
Argeta - Chicken pate 45g

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Argeta pates are made from top-quality raw materials, are seasoned with natural flavourings, and contain no added preservatives. Chicken pate is the first and most established Argeta pâté. We have been making it since 1957 and it still our best-loved flavour...

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Argeta pates are made from top-quality raw materials, are seasoned with natural flavourings, and contain no added preservatives.

Chicken pate is the first and most established Argeta pâté. We have been making it since 1957 and it still our best-loved flavour of pâté. Argeta chicken pâté is made from chicken meat enriched with milk and soy protein and seasoned with selected natural spices.

Chicken is one of the most popular kinds of meat in the modern diet. Compared with other types of meat, chicken contains a higher level of unsaturated fats.

You can recognise Argeta chicken pâté by the green bandon the packaging.

  • Does not contain gluten.
  • Does not contain preservatives.
  • Distinct taste and high quality.
  • High nutritional value.
  • Excellent for breakfast, snacks or dinner.
  • Practical for picnics and trips.


Paštete Argeta su proizvedene od kvalitetnih sirovina, začinjene su prirodnim začinima i ne sadrže dodatne konzervanse.

Kokošija pašteta je prvi i najstariji ukus pašteta Argeta. Proizvodi se još od 1957. godinea a i danas jenajomiljeniji ukus među paštetama. Kokošija pašteta Argeta je proizvedena od kokošijeg mesa, obogaćena mlečnim proteinima i proteinima soje i začinjena izabranim prirodnim začinima.

Kokošije meso je jedna od najomiljenijih vrsta mesa u savremenoj ishrani. Osim izvrsnog ukusa, odlikuje se i činjenicom da predstavlja bogat izvor visokovrednih proteina, vitamina i minerala.

Kokošiju paštetu Argeta prepoznaćete po zelenoj lenti na pakovanju.

  • Ne sadrži gluten.
  • Ne sadrži konzervanse.
  • Prepoznatljivog je ukusa i vrhunskog kvaliteta.
  • Visoke je prehrambene vrednosti.
  • Odlična je za doručak, užinu ili večeru.
  • Praktična je i za piknike i izlete.
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