
FemiSan A - Drops 30ml

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FEMISAN AHerbal Drops FEMISAN A is most frequently used for treating the following conditions: • ovarian cysts• uterine fibroids• menstrual disorders • painful menstruation• endometriosis• PCOS – polycystic ovary syndrome • fibrocystic breast changes• female infertility/sterility• cervical lesions • PMSIngredients:...

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Health - Health & beauty

Herbal Drops

FEMISAN A is most frequently used for treating the following conditions:
• ovarian cysts
• uterine fibroids
• menstrual disorders
• painful menstruation
• endometriosis
• PCOS – polycystic ovary syndrome
• fibrocystic breast changes
• female infertility/sterility
• cervical lesions

Ingredients: Alchemillae Folium, Millefolii Herba, Petroselini Fructus, Calendulae Flos, Geranii Robertiani Herba,  Polygonum Herba.


Irregular menstrual cycle in the beginning of puberty and later in life, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), acute and chronic inflammation of the ovaries and uterus, vaginal infections (bacterial and yeast), benign ovarian cysts, fibroids, breast cysts caused by hormonal imbalance, premenstrual syndrome - PMS.


FEMISAN A is a dietary supplement based on carefully selected medicinal herbs. It contains no additional artificial substances, dyes or hormones. It maintains the health and function of the reproductive organs in women from puberty to menopause. Apiol helps rebalance hormones in individuals with irregular cycles, a total absence of menstruation and cystic and polycystic ovaries by stimulating microcirculation in the ovaries and the flow of beneficial substances from the extracts of the medicinal herbs. Together withGeranium Robertianum, these properties of apiol have an exceptional effect on the functions of the ovaries, and they also help eliminate cysts and increase fertility. Many of the herbs in Femisan A are antispasmodic agents, which means that they reduce uterine spasms and greatly relieve menstrual cramps. Alchemilla Vulgaris is a plant with a high tannin content. It strengthens the uterus and uterine ligaments and is very beneficial in preventing the formation of cysts and fibroids. Femisan A reduces inflammation of the ovaries and uterus due to the powerful effects of the essential oils, tannins and sulphur heterosides, which are considered the strongest herbal antiseptics.


Dissolve one portion (30 drops / 0,75 g) in a glass of water and drink two to four times a day before meals. It is recommended that the drops be used in the period of 2 to 8 months, with a two-week break every two months.
For dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), the drops should be taken 3-5 days before menstruation as well as during menstruation, in the dose of 20 drops three times a day.
The drops can also be taken for preventive purposes, in the dose of 20 drops once or twice a day.

Adverse Effects: No known adverse effects.

Storage: Keep at room temperature, away from light and in the original packaging.

Contents: 30 ml of water/ethanol herbal solution.


FEMISAN A se najčešće koristi za tretiranje sledećih tegoba:
• ciste na jajnicima
• miomi na materici
• poremećaji menstrualnog ciklusa
• bolne mentruacije
• endometrioza
• PCOS - sindrom policističnih jajnika
• fibrocistične promene u dojkama
• ženska neplodnost- sterilitet
• ranice na grliću materice

Sastav: Alchemillae folium, Millefolii herba, Petroselini fructus, Calendulae flos, Geranii robertiani herba, Polygoni herba.


Neredovan menstrualni ciklus početkom puberteta i u kasnijoj dobi, dismenoree (bolne menstruacije), akutna i hronična upala jajnika, akutna i hronična upala materice, treća i šesta grupa vaginalnog sekreta, benigne ciste na jajnicima, miomi, ciste na grudima nastale kao posledica hormonskog disbalansa, pred menstrualni sindrom-PMS.

FEMISAN A je dijetetski proizvod na bazi pažljivo odabranog lekovitog bilja, bez dodatih veštačkih materija, boja i hormona. Služi za očuvanje zdravlja i funkcija reproduktivnih organa kod žena od perioda puberteta do menopauze. Normalizaciji hormonalnog statusa kad su u pitanju neredonvni ciklusi, potpuni izostanak ciklusa, cistični i policistični jajnici, doprinosi apiol koji stimulise mikrocirkulaciju u oblasti jajnika i brži dotok lekovitih supstanci iz ekstrakta lekovitog bilja. Ovo dejstvo apiola uz Geranium robertcianumima izuzetno dejstvo  na funkcije jajnika, kao i na eliminaciju cista i povećanje plodnosti. Vise biljaka u Femisanu A ima   spazmolitičko dejstvo, što smanjuje grč materice i znatno  olakšava bolne cikluse. Alchemila vulgaris je taninska biljka koja jača matericu i materične ligamente i sjajna je prevencija nastanku cista i mioma. Femisan A smiruje upalne procese na jajnicima i materici snažnim dejstvom etarskih ulja, tanina i  sumpornih heterozida koji se smatraju najjačim biljnim antisepticima.

Način upotrebe:

Jednu porciju (30 kapi / 0,75 g) rastvoriti u čaši vode i popiti dva do četiri puta dnevno pre jela. Preporučuje se korišćenje kapi u periodu od 2-8 meseci, sa dvonedeljnim pauzama nakon svaka 2 meseca.
Kod dismenorea (bolnih menstruacija) kapi piti 3-5 dana pred ciklus i za vreme ciklusa, 3 puta dnevno po 20 kapi.
Kapi se mogu koristiti i preventivno 1-2 puta dnevno po 20 kapi.

Neželjena dejstva: Nisu poznata.

Način čuvanja: Čuvati na sobnoj temperaturi, zaštićeno od svetlosti u orginalnom pakovanju.

Pakovanje: 30 ml vodeno-etanolskog rastvora lekovitog bilja

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