Krnjevac Meadow honey 720g
Krnjevac - Meadow honey 720g Meadow honey is a polyfloral honey that is made from several types of plants, each of which has a specific chemical composition, and therefore the honey has more vitamins, minerals or essential oils.Meadow honey is...
Krnjevac - Meadow honey 720g
Meadow honey is a polyfloral honey that is made from several types of plants, each of which has a specific chemical composition, and therefore the honey has more vitamins, minerals or essential oils.
Meadow honey is recommended for strengthening the immune system and for improving physical and intellectual work capacity. It has a rich and pleasant taste, and is an excellent choice for all those who use honey together with other medicinal herbs.
Livadski med je poliflorni med koji nastaje od više vrsta biljaka od kojih svaka ima specifičan hemijski sastav, pa samim tim i med ima više vitamina, mineralnih materija ili eteričnih ulja.
Livadski med se preporučuje za jačanje imunog sistema i za poboljšanje fizičke i intelektualne radne sposobnosti. Bogatog je i ugodnog ukusa, a odličan je izbor za sve one koji med koriste zajedno sa drugim lekovitim biljem.