Najlepse zelje - Chocolate with biscuit 250gr
Najlepse zelje - Chocolate with cookies 250g It is nice to offer company with cookies… It is even better to offer them with chocolate… But it is best when you offer them to the best wishes with cookies!Favorite milk chocolate...
Najlepse zelje - Chocolate with cookies 250g
It is nice to offer company with cookies… It is even better to offer them with chocolate… But it is best when you offer them to the best wishes with cookies!
Favorite milk chocolate filled with biscuits, is ideal when you want the most beautiful chocolate crunch.
Don't worry, there is enough for everyone who wants the best wishes!
Lepo je ponuditi društvo keksom… Još je lepše ponuditi ih čokoladom… Ali najlepše je kada ih ponudite Najlepšim željama sa keksom!
Omiljena mlečna čokolada ispunjena keksom, idealna je kada poželite najlepše čokoladno hrskanje.
Ne brinite, ima je dovoljno za sve koji požele Najlepše želje!