PROPOBAZA Bioadhesive gel 20ml
PROPOBAZA Bioadhesive gel 20ml Propobaza bioadhesive gel is a preparation that contains propolis extract in a gel base formulated to allow prolonged (up to 10 hours) and controlled release of the active substance. It is recommended in the treatment of...
PROPOBAZA Bioadhesive gel 20ml
Propobaza bioadhesive gel is a preparation that contains propolis extract in a gel base formulated to allow prolonged (up to 10 hours) and controlled release of the active substance. It is recommended in the treatment of superficial wounds, cuts and burns, herpes simplex, aphthae, as well as all other changes on the skin and mucous membranes. It can also be used as a base for the application of drugs in dentistry and dermatology. It is easy to apply and has no irritating effect on the application site, so it does not interfere with the normal functions of the skin.
Propobaza bioadhezivni gel je preparat koji sadrži ekstrakt propolisa u gel podlozi formulisanoj tako da omogućava produženo (do 10 časova) i kontrolisano oslobađanje delujuće supstance. Preporučuje se u tretiranju površinskih rana, posekotina i opekotina, herpes simpleksa, afti, kao i svih drugih promena na koži i sluzokoži. Može se koristiti i kao podloga za primenu lekova u stomatologiji i dermatologji. Lako se primenjuje i nema iritirajuće dejstvo na mestu aplikovanja, pa samim tim ne ometa normalne funkcije kože.