
Vendoksin drops 50ml BB:24/11/2024

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The effect of Vendoksin drops Vendoksin drops contain a mixture of tincture of herbal drugs. Favorable effect on the venous wall of blood vessels, making them more resilient, reducing their permeability and prevent , or reduce the already formed island...


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The effect of Vendoksin drops

Vendoksin drops contain a mixture of tincture of herbal drugs.
Favorable effect on the venous wall of blood vessels, making them more resilient, reducing their permeability and prevent , or reduce the already formed island , thus alleviating the subjective symptoms such as pain and feeling težineu feet. Diuretic effect of individual components of the preparation is completed this effect . Vendoksin drops are recommended primarily for people with varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
Vendoksin drops are a natural product obtained by alcoholic extraction of active ingredients from a large number of medicinal plants .
Has multiple effects: to better supply the tissues with oxygen, reduces blood viscosity , tendency to adhesiveness of platelets , red blood cells improves stability , reduces possibility of thrombus formation, effect on resistance and elasticity of blood vessels , reduces their permeability , reduces pain in the legs, reduce swelling, numbness ...
It also reduces the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood and favorably affects the function of the liver.
Vendoksin drops help with:
  • varicose veins in the legs
  • thrombophlebitis
  • hemorrhoids
  • islands
  • feeling the weight and pain in legs

Dejstvo Vendoksin kapi

Vendoksin kapi sadrže mešavinu tinktura biljnih droga koje
povoljno deluju na zid venskih krvnih sudova čineći ih ela­stičnijim, smanjuju njihovu propustljivost i sprečavaju, od­nosno smanjuju već nastali otok, čime se ublažavaju subjek­tivni simptomi kao što su bol i osećaj težineu nogama. Diuretično dejstvo pojedinih sastojaka preparata upotpunju­je ovaj efekt. Vendoksin kapi preporučuju se prvenstve­no osobama sa proširenim venama i hemoroidima.


Vendoksin kapi predstavljaju prirodni preparat dobijen alkoholnom ekstrakcijom aktivnih sastojaka iz velikog broja lekovitog bilja.

Ima višestruka dejstva: omogućava bolju snabdevenost tkiva kiseonikom, smanjuje viskoznost krvi, sklonost ka slepljiva­nju trombocita, poboljšava postojanost eritrocita, smanjuje
mogućnost stvaranja tromba, deluje na otpornost i elastič­nost krvnih sudova, smanjuje njihovu propustljivost, otkla­nja bol u nogama, smanjuje otoke, osećaj trnjenja…

Takodje smanjuje nivo triglicerida i holesterola u krvi i po­voljno utiče na funkciju jetre.

Vendoksin kapi pomažu kod:

  • proširenih vena na nogama
  • tromboflebitisa
  • hemoroida
  • otoka
  • osećaja težine i bola u nogama
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