Cockta soft drink sugar free 275ml X 24pk ( BOX )
The secret of a special type in Cockta is hidden in a unique blend of eleven species of medicinal plants. Rose hip gives it a specific flavor, lemon and orange penetrating freshness. The new version of the refreshing drink has...
The secret of a special type in Cockta is hidden in a unique blend of eleven species of medicinal plants. Rose hip gives it a specific flavor, lemon and orange penetrating freshness.
The new version of the refreshing drink has retained the original taste of Cockta, based on natural plant extracts, and is free of sugar and calories.
Tajna posebnog ukuca Cockte skrivena je u jedinstvenoj mešavini jedanaest vrsta lekovitog bilja. Šipak joj daje specifičnu aromu, limun i pomorandža prodornu svežinu.
Nova verzija osvežavajućeg napitka zadržala je originalni okus Cockte, baziranog na prirodnim biljnim ekstraktima, a oslobođena je šećera i kalorija.