
Franck - Jubilarna ground coffee 250g

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JUBILARNA Ground The secret of the most popular Franck coffee is in the combination of the finest coffee sorts and the most delicate process of grinding. Its rounded, chocolate taste and specific scent are well known to all coffee lovers....

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Coffee - Coffee


The secret of the most popular Franck coffee is in the combination of the finest coffee sorts and the most delicate process of grinding. Its rounded, chocolate taste and specific scent are well known to all coffee lovers. To preserve its amazing taste Franck has designed a special vacuum packaging of a specific shape - a "brick", that preserves the unique aroma and flavour of this coffee. This packaging is the origin of the popular nickname for Jubilarna - the "Brick".



Tajna Franckove najprodavanije kave leži u mješavini najboljih vrsta sirovih kava te najfinijeg procesa mljevenja. Njezin zaokružen, čokoladan okus i poseban miris dobro su poznati svim ljubiteljima vrhunske konzumne kave. Kako bi što više približio i uveličao iskustvo ispijanja kave ljubiteljima Jubilarne, Franck je osmislio posebno vakuumirano pakiranje specifičnog oblika cigle koji na jedinstven i siguran način čuvaju izvornu aromu i okus kave. Zbog takvog je pakiranja i danas popularan simpatični naziv Ciglica za Jubilarnu kavu.

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