Crystal Derma - Olive cream 125ml
Olive energy cream Olive-energy Organic olive oil,organic shea butter, vitamin E for everyday skin care of face, hands and body intensively hydrating, energizing and revitalizing cream for daily care of face, hands and body Olive energy cream is rich in...
Olive energy cream
Olive-energy Organic olive oil,organic shea butter, vitamin E for everyday skin care of face, hands and body intensively hydrating, energizing and revitalizing cream for daily care of face, hands and body Olive energy cream is rich in antioxidants, it nourishes and softens the skin paraben free paraffin free light texture, fast absorbing cream that does not make the skin greasy Olive oil is a lipophilic emollient. It forms a film on the skin that prevents water loss from superlayers, thus making the skin hydrated, soft and elastic. It also protects skin from harmful environmental influences,UV rays and free radicals. Preparations based on olive oil improve the general condition of the skin making it smooth and provide a completely natural way to healthy and nourished skin. Shea butter is a lipophilic emollient from African walnut, a plant traditionally used as a natural UV filter, which also protects the skin from drying out. Vitamin E, or tocopheryl acetate as its stable form, improves skin texture, making it one of the most important anti-aging substances in cosmetics. Relieves existing wrinkles, and its antioxidant effect helps prevent the formation of new ones. Vitamin E moisturizes the skin and has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially suitable for sensitive skin.
Packing: plastic jar, 125ml
Maslina olive-energy
Organsko maslinovo ulje, organski ši buter, vitamin E intenzivno hidrantna, energetska i revitalizirajuća krema koja daje koži blistav i svež izgled za svakodnevnu negu kože lica, ruku i tela Olive energy cream je bogat antiokidansima, hrani kožu i omekšava je. bez parabena bez parafina lagana, brzo upijajuća krema koja ne masti kožu Maslinovo ulje je lipofilni emolijens koji formiranjem filma na koži sprečava odavanje vode sa njene površine i tako kožu čini hidrantnom, mekom i elastičnom. Takođe, štiti kožu od štetnih uticaja okoline, UV zraka i delovanja slobodnih radikala. Preparati na bazi maslinovog ulja poboljšavaju opšte stanje kože čineći je glatkom i obezbeđuju potpuno prirodan put do zdrave i negovane kože. Ši buter je lipofilni emolijens iz afričkog oraha, biljke koja se tradicionalno koristi kao prirodni UV filter, a takođe i štiti kožu od isušivanja. Vitamin E, odnosno tokoferil acetat kao njegov stabilni oblik, dokazano popravlja mikroreljef kože, što ga čini jednim od najznačajnijih anti-age supstancama u kozmetici. Ublažava postojeće bore, a svojim antioksidativnim efektom sprečava pojavu novih. Vlaži kožu i ima blagi antiinflamatorni efekat, što je posebno pogodno za osetljivu kožu. Pakovanje: kutija 125ml