Dove - Baby Sensitive Moisture 400ml
Dove - Baby Sensitive Moisture 400ml Baby Dove Sensitive Moisture helps replenish important nutrients that help skin retain its natural moisture. With a rich, creamy lather, it leaves baby's skin feeling clean and soft. __________________________________________________________________________________ Babi Dove Sensitive Moisture pomaže...
Dove - Baby Sensitive Moisture 400ml
Baby Dove Sensitive Moisture helps replenish important nutrients that help skin retain its natural moisture. With a rich, creamy lather, it leaves baby's skin feeling clean and soft.
Babi Dove Sensitive Moisture pomaže u obnavljanju važnih hranljivih sastojaka koji pomažu koži da zadrži svoju prirodnu vlagu. Uz bogatu, kremastu penu, čini bebinu kožu čistom i mekom.