Neoplanta Beans ready meal 400g FASTEN
Neoplanta - Prego beans ready meal 400g FASTEN Instructions for use 1. Heat the closed container in boiling water for 10 min. Cool under running water before opening. 2. Completely remove the lid from the bowl and heat the dish...
Neoplanta - Prego beans ready meal 400g FASTEN
Instructions for use 1. Heat the closed container in boiling water for 10 min. Cool under running water before opening. 2. Completely remove the lid from the bowl and heat the dish in the microwave oven to the desired temperature. 3. Heat the contents of the container in a frying pan over low heat for 5-10 minutes. with occasional stirring.
Posni pasulj, gotovo jelo od povrća u konzervi- sterilisana konzerva.
Uputstva za upotrebu1. Zatvorenu posudicu zagrevati u ključaloj vodi 10 min. I pre otvaranja rashladiti pod mlazom vode. 2. U potpunosti odstraniti poklopac sa posudice i jelo podgrejati u mikrotalasnoj pećnici do željene temperature. 3. Sadržaj posudice zagrevati u tiganju, na laganoj vatri 5-10 min. uz povremeno mešanje.