VITALIS Doctor's group - Sports cream 100ml
Sports Cream 100 ml Herbal antirheumatic. Instantly relieves pain! Sports cream is an herbal antirheumatic, effective for rheumatism, arthritis, sports injuries, back pain, stiff neck, and problems that business people usualy have. Instantly relieves pain! Eucalyptus, mint, rosemary and aloe...
Sports Cream
100 ml
Herbal antirheumatic. Instantly relieves pain!
Sports cream is an herbal antirheumatic, effective for rheumatism, arthritis, sports injuries, back pain, stiff neck, and problems that business people usualy have. Instantly relieves pain!
Eucalyptus, mint, rosemary and aloe vera will restore youth to your joints!
Sports cream not only relieves pain but also strengthens cartilage and improves circulation in the joint itself. Stops rheumatic and sports pain.
How to use: Apply a small amount of cream on the palm of the hand, and then gently rub on the treated part of the body while massaging, until the cream is absorbed into the skin.
Sports Cream
100 ml
Biljni antireumatik. Trenutno ublažava bol!
Sports cream je biljni antireumatik, efikasan kod reume, artritisa, sportskih povreda, bolova u leđima, ukočenog vrata, tegoba kod poslovnih ljudi. Trenutno ublažava bol!
Eukaliptus, nana, ruzmarin i aloe vera će vratiti mladost Vašim zglobovima!
Sports cream ne samo da ublažava bol nego i jača hrskavicu i poboljšava cirkulaciju u samom zglobu. Zaustavlja reumatske i sportske bolove.
Način upotrebe: Naneti malu količinu kreme na dlan ruke, a zatim lagano utrljati na tretirani deo tela uz masiranje, dok se krema ne upije u kožu.