
Vega - Whole grain rye flour 1Kg BB:10/02/2025

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Whole grain rye flour Rye is by its characteristics very close to wheat. Homeland of rye and most important production regions are Baltic countries and Russia, where rye is the main “bread” cereal. In the past rye was grown in...


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Whole grain rye flour

Rye is by its characteristics very close to wheat. Homeland of rye and most important production regions are Baltic countries and Russia, where rye is the main “bread” cereal. In the past rye was grown in large quantities, but today its rarely grown and because of its specific taste and smell it became very popular in bakery production.

The rye and rye products were considered food for the poor people, however, the latest findings, which are the result of many studies, indicate that rye is not only less valuable, but it can be very important in the diet because of its nutritional and health properties. Studies have shown that rye has a positive effect on the entire cardiovascular system, and people who regularly consume products from rye have a smaller chance to get cancer, they have less interference in digestion and many other advantages. Particular characteristic of rye bakery products is a specific smell and taste which are receptive to a large number of consumers.

Rye is packed and placed on the market in the form of whole grain rye flour, whose production is very similar to the production of whole wheat flour. Base of the production is extraction of all impurities and surface treatment of grain. With special processing and adjusting the millstone company performed grinding to granulation which is most suitable for bakery production that requires certain rye groats granulation.

Rye is packed and placed on the market in the form of whole grain rye flour, whose production is very similar to the production of whole wheat flour. Base of the production is extraction of all impurities and surface treatment of grain. With special processing and adjusting the millstone company performed grinding to granulation which is most suitable for bakery production that requires certain rye groats granulation

Commercial packages are:

500 g intended for households  


Raženo integralno brašno

Raž je strno žito, po svim osobinama veoma blisko pšenici. Postojbina raži i najznačajniji proizvodjački regioni su Pribaltičke zemlje i Rusija gde je to glavno „hlebno“ žito. Kod nas se raž ranije gajila više, a danas se gaji vrlo malo pa je raž zbog specifičnog ukusa i mirisa postala vrlo tražena u pekarskoj proizvodnji.

Nekada su raž i proizvodi od raži smatrani siromašnom hranom medjutim najnovija saznanja koja su rezultat mnogobrojnih istraživanja pokazuju da raž ne samo da nije manje vredna, već da može biti vrlo značajna u ishrani zbog svojih nutritivnih i zdravstvenih svojstava. Istraživanja su pokazala da raž pozitivno utiče na ceo kardiovaskularni sistem, da ljudi koji redovno konzumiraju proizvode od raži manje obolevaju od raka, da imaju manje smetnji u probavi i niz drugih boljitaka. Posebna karakteristika pekarskih proizvoda od raži je specifičan miris i ukus koji su prijemčivi za velik broj konzumenata.

Osnovu proizvodnje čini priprema u kojoj se izdvajaju sve primese i zrno se površinski obradi. Specijalnom obradom i podešavanjem mlinskog kamena vrši se usitnjavanje do granulacije koja je najpogodnija za pekarsku proizvodnju koja zahteva prekrupu raži odredjene granulacije.

Da bi se dobio pekarski proizvod što prihvatljivijih organoleptičkih osobina, ražano brašno se mora mešati sa pšeničnim u različitim odnosima. Po Nemačkim standardima proizvodi se ražano pšenični hleb sa odnosom 75% raži i 25% pšenice, mešani hleb sa odnosom 50:50 i pšenično ražani hleb sa odnosima 25% raži i 75% pšenice, što preporučujemo i našim potrošačima.

Komercijalna pakovanja su:

500 g namenjeno za domaćinstvo

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