
VITALIS Doctor's group - Urovital 20 capsules

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Urovital 20 capsules Urovital  is a new all-natural product for strengthening the resistance of the urinary system. Thanks to the synergistic effect of standardized ekstracts of cranberries, Buchu and saw palmetto it achieves extremely beneficial effect on the genitourinary system in women, and...

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20 capsules

Urovital  is a new all-natural product for strengthening the resistance of the urinary system. Thanks to the synergistic effect of standardized ekstracts of cranberries, Buchu and saw palmetto it achieves extremely beneficial effect on the genitourinary system in women, and especially in men by preventing prostate enlargement and inflammation.
Urovital is recommended for frequent and painful urination, for burning with urination, nocturnal enuresis, for difficulty in urination, acute and chronic inflammation of the urinary bladder and kidneys, as well as for the treatment of infertility and reduced potency.
Patient experiences confirm that this combination of completely natural ingredients easily and quickly improves urinary symptoms, improves and facilitate urination. Following the latest medical researches that prove that this combination of medicinal ingredients reduces the painful spasms of smooth muscles, which explains the disappearance of pain in the genito-urinary system in men and women (ureter, urethra, oviduct, urinary bladder).



20 kapsula

Urovital je novi potpuno prirodan proizvod za jačanje otpornosti urinarnog sistema. Zahvaljujući sinergističkom dejstvu standardizovanih ekstrakata brusnice, buču i pile palme postiže izuzetno blagotvorno dejstvo na genitourinarni sistem kod žena, a posebno kod muškaraca sprečavanjem povećanja i upale prostate.
Urovital se preporučuje kod učestalog i bolnog mokrenja, kod peckanja uz mokrenje, noćnog mokrenja, kod otežanog mokrenja, akutnog i hroničnog zapaljenja mokraćne bešike i bubrega, kao i za lečenje neplodnosti i smanjene potencije.
Iskustva pacijenata potvrđuju da ova kombinacija potpuno prirodnih sastojaka lako i brzo popravlja simptome mokrenja, poboljšava i olakšava mokrenje. Prateći najnovija medicinska istraživanja koja dokazuju da ova kombinacija lekovitih sastojaka smanjuje bolne grčeve glatkih mišića, što objašnjava nestanak bolova u genito-urinarnom sistemu kod muškaraca i žena (ureter, mokraćovod, jajovod, mokraćna bešika).



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